Celebrity Testimonials: Artist Louisa Johnson and legendary front man Kelly Jones from The Stereophonics
"See How This Very Unique Vocal Therapy/Training Approach Is 
Producing serious results in how people's voices feel"

👇🏾 The science behind the benefits 👇🏾

Semi occluded vocal tract exercises (SOVTE's) are voice training and voice therapy exercises involving the following: (1) the lengthening of the vocal tract and (2) The occlusion or the semi occlusion (partly closed) of the vocal tract. VOCAL TUBES® WRVT is a very popular and effective choice of SOVTE's and here is why: (1) Increase inertive reactance (positive pressures that travel back towards the vocal fold vibration, making it feel super easy and cushioned)
. (2) Increase flow resistance (in varying degrees, the good resistance needed to help regulate pressure intensities in the vocal tract) . (3) Is a great source of sensory stimulation, which is a key feature of successful Motor learning= (an important source of sensory stimulation necessary to change voice production patterns or behaviour. So, we're talking about sensory stimulation that actually affects the brain and how the brain communicates with our voice to make permanent & positive changes). So we know that this increase in airflow resistance caused by the use of Tube in water “WRVT SOVT”, in turn produces a greater oral pressure. So a greater oral pressure, leads to greater intraglottal pressure (pressures around and in between the vocal folds) which then creates a more favourable condition for lower “impact stress” on the vocal folds. We also know that this lowers the PTP (Phonation threshold pressure) which basically means, your vocal folds only need a small amount of upcoming air from the lungs to function/vibrate freely AND more easily as opposed to way too much air "force" which can lead to serious vocal problems. ALL this is a HUGE benefit to YOU. Why?... Because it makes things so much easier for your voice and teaches your body how to retain these "easier vocal conditions" more permanently!! ...Friggin AMAZING!


Vocal effort: Vocal effort can be defined as a perceived exertion of a pro voice user to a perceived vocal demand. Vocal Fatigue: Vocal fatigue can be defined as the quantifiable decline in vocal function that influences a vocal task or performance. So why is this information important? When the voice becomes tense (which is very often in MOST voices) vocal effort increases which can lead to vocal fatigue very quickly. We know that the larger overall design of VOCAL TUBES® compared to other straw or tube sizes gives the user more of this massage like sensation which is INCREDIBLE for YOU. WHY?...Ok so... The Bubbling effect during VOCAL TUBES® WRVT creates "Pulsatil" or a PULSATING oral pressure, which basically creates a movement of laryngeal, pharyngeal and oral tissues contributing value to the massage-like sensation of WRVT, which in turn promotes a reduction in the sensations of muscle tension and vocal fatigue. (The graph opposite shows the results from a study that reflects the efficacy of a large tube in water in relation to the massage sensations we can feel from devices like VOCAL TUBES®). We designed VOCAL TUBES® based on such incredible scientific discoveries! That is great news for YOUR voice! 


The Quasi Output Cost Ratio (QOCR) is a clinical way of calculating perceived voice quality and evaluating if the symptoms go from negative  to positive (or vice versa) over a stream of various tests and treatments. The QOCR is used to calculate and quantify the findings. QOCR is basically the measure of vocal economy.
The graph opposite shows results of a study, the purpose of the study was to observe the possible differential effects of 8 SOVTE’s on vocal economy measured by the Quasi Output Cost Ratio or the (QOCR) which is a way to measure the main outcome. 
The result was that significant differences were found when comparing pre and post stages of voice regardless of the vocal condition (either normal voice or dysphonia) or the specific SOVTE used. The general result was that there was an increment of the quasi output cost ratio after SOVTE’s in general. Which is a good thing for SOVTE's.  
Again when individually comparing the effect of each of the SOVTE devices or methods, only Tube in water (WRT) (approximately 10 cm) showed significant differences between pre and post conditions of voice, the QOCR values were higher after these particular exercises, specifically WRVT with a TUBE. 
This is just one of many reasons why the efficacy of VOCAL TUBES® WRVT is echoed by so many professional voice users around the globe! Using VOCAL TUBES® WRVT consistently is great news for YOU because evidence shows that your voice develops greater vocal economy & less vocal effort over time. "Hooorrraaaayyyy" 

Evidence to show that VOCAL TUBES® WRVT can sooth, give relief and de-stress your voice after heavy use

Evidence related to the oscillation of oral pressure (Guzman et al, 2015) during WRVT is a real discovery. Results have shown that not only does WRVT produce a helpful oral pressure BUT, that oral pressure actually oscillates as well.  They showed results of oral pressure oscillation frequency during WRVT which contributes to the incredible massage-like sensations. It's the same sensations we all feel with VOCAL TUBES® work.
*Here is an important Questions though*
Q: Is the oscillation of oral pressure during bubbling really capable of moving tissues within the vocal tract? The answer to this is YES
Let's look at evidence related to movement of facial, laryngeal and pharyngeal tissues doing WRVT. The main areas that are reported to oscillate during WRVT are: 
1) The oral cavity 
2) The laryngeal area and 
3) The pharyngeal area 
Accelerometry was used to measure the possible oscillations of the oral, pharyngeal and laryngeal tissues during bubbling, it's reported that there is oscillation of the oral, laryngeal and pharyngeal tissues which is great news for YOUR vocal health because you get the benefit of your voice being soothed, relaxed and de-stressed after the vocal exigencies of the day. The most significant discovery from the diagrams report was the oral pressure oscillation which is attributed to the massage-like sensation of WRVT. The massage-like effect of WRVT is a great source of sensory stimulation necessary to: (1) change the voice production pattern or what we call the "vocal demand response" (the automatic behaviour of the vocal tract and how it responds to sensory input) and
(2) reduce the sensation of muscle tension, the sensations of vocal fatigue and throat discomfort in general. The two main differences between tube in air and tube in water are: 1st difference- is the higher airflow resistance in WRVT and 2nd- is the water bubbling (massage-like sensation). 


Intraoral pressure is the helpful pressure that sits in between the glottis (The Glottis: is the midline gap of the vocal folds) and around it as well. Intraoral pressure is GREAT because it gives the vocal folds a cushioned impact when they come together within the vibration cycle, as opposed to the action of the vocal folds coming forcibly into contact during the vibration cycle. The Vocal folds vibrate together multiple times per second, for example: singing a note on the A4 on the piano scale works out at 440Hz which basically means 440 opening and closing impacts (vibrations) per second....I SAID PER SECOND! 😮 As you sing higher this rate of vibration increases..WOW.. that is A LOT of impact! Thank GOD for intraoral pressure! 😁

In a study by Maxfield et al, in 2015, they measured the results of intraoral pressures produced by 13 SOVTE’s and they reported that the highest values of oral pressure were found in WRVT phonation and in stirring straw (super thin) phonation tools. On the other hand the lowest values of oral pressure were reported in nasal consonants and drinking straws with the free end in air. Once again tube phonation in water is PROVEN to be of AMAZING value to YOUR VOICE! GET YOUR VOCAL TUBES® TODAY!


🎤SPEECH THERAPY TUBES - Water Resistant Voice Therapy using three voice care principles - Vocal Habilitation, Vocal Therapy and Vocal Rehabilitation and Vocal Training. 

🎤SET OF TWO - Each set of two straws comes carefully packaged in a sealed sterile pouch and is accompanied by a satin carry bag and a wash brush. You can always have one at home and one to carry with you or you can be generous and share one! 😁The outer (throw away) packaging is biodegradable.  

🎤MEDICAL GRADE SILICONE 13mm inner diameter / 35cm Length - They are specially made from very high standard medical grade silicone to give you the best quality possible! You will NOT find this ergonomic design ANYWHERE, VOCAL TUBES® are built to last and build to give your voice optimum results! SORRY no "cheapo" straw can give you the same quality vocal care! Eco Friendly, Reusable and BETTER for our Planet. PLEASE STOP USING PLASTIC! 

🎤ESSENTIAL FOR SINGING & PUBLIC SPEAKING - If using your voice is your profession, it is vital that you look after and care for it, our VOCAL TUBES® are a necessity.

🎤EASY TO USE AND RAPID RESULTS - Each set comes with: an instruction card and a link to our website full of video instructions, tutorials and an awesome expanding library of exercises for ALL voice types for FREE! 

🎤NEW COLOURS: Black, Yellow and Green coming soon to join the existing range of: Blue, Pink and Clear! 

"These Vocal Tubes have absolutely changed my life and transformed my voice"

*Always consult the advice of a medical professional if your symptoms are very severe*

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